Friday, June 20, 2014

Bapa Yang Pemboros

           Kita telah mendengar cerita yang terkenal tentang seorang Bapak yang kaya yang menpunyai dua orang anak laki-laki (Lukas 15: 11-32). Anak laki-laki yang lebih tua, taat kepada Bapaknya. Tetapi, dia masih tidak merasa aman sama sekali. Maskipun dia menpunyai sagala hal, tapi dia selalu mengalu dan tidak mamaafkan adik laki-lakinya. Di sisi lain, adik laki-lakinya adalah anak yang boros. Dia ingin berduat sesuka hati dan menghabiskan uang Ayahnya untok berfoyafoyanya sampain dia kehabiskan uang.  Tetapi, adik laki-lakinya menyadari kebudohannya lalu dia memutuskan kembali kepada Ayahnya. Samantara itu, tindakan Ayahnya sangat mengajatkan bagi budaya Yahudi. Bakan anaknya tidak mengakui segala hal buruk yang telah ia lakukan, Ayah itu menyanbutnya dengan cinta dan pengempunan. Sekarang, akan lebih baik bagi kita melihat karakter dari Ayah itu.
            Pastinya, dalam cerita ini Ayah itu sungguh boros. Ayah itu tahu bahwa anak mudahnya akan menghabiskan uang itu, dan mengatahui dengan sagara ia akan dembali kepada pengasuhnya. Ayah itu memberi setenga dari harta bendanya kepada anaknya tanpa keraguan sedikitpun. Dan ketika anaknya memutuskan untok kembali kepada ayahnya, ayah itu tahu bahwa dia telah kembali dan ayah itu sebenarnya sedang menanti dan melihat di gerbang itu untok melihat kedatangan anaknya. Pastinya, ketika ayah itu melihat anaknya memekai baju seorang budak, ayah itu tidak menunggo anaknya tiba, ayah itu berlari menjumpai dan memaluk anaknya dengan pengampunan dan penuh kasih saying. Denagn ini dia memerenta sebuah perayaan besar untok kembalinya anaknya, “Dia yang hilang dan sekarang telah di temukan, dia yang telah mati sekarang hidup kembali.”
            Sekarang, kita menyadari bahwa dalam cerita ini, Yesus juga memberikan kita gambaran dari sefat Tuhan. Allah seperti Ayah ini. Allah adalah seorang ayah yang kaya yang bisa memberikan kita apapun. Allah adalah seorang Bapa yang boros meskipun kita akan menghabiskan pemberia-Nya, Dia selalu siap untok menyambut kita. Allah adalah Bapa yang merendukan dan memaafkan, menuggu kita kembali. Dia adalah Tuhan yang akan berhari sesegara ia akan melihat kita kembali kepedaNya. Ini pasti dengan apa yang Yesus inginkan kita untok sadar bahwa kita menpunyai Tuhan yang tidak akan mengadili kita karena lamah, tidak sempurna dan berdosa. Tetapi, Allah penuh rasa kasih saying dan mencentai kita.

            Akhirnya, kita diundang untok mlihat Allah dalam gambar ini karena dia sungguh Allah yang penuh belas kasih, murah hati, pengempunan dan cinta. Dan dalam cerita ini, kita juga diundang ke dalam situasi diri kita di mana kita dapat memeriksa diri kita dengan anak sulung yang menjadi gelesa ketika adiknya pulang meskipun nyatanya ia mempunyai segalanya. Atau kita mesti juga memeriksa diri kita dengan anak bungsu yang menyadari talentanya, kiteram pilanya dan diberi hadiya seperti Allah telah memberikanNya kepada kita. Tapi, ada satu hal bahwa kita harus meng-ingat, Allah yang selalu siap menyambut kita dan memeluk kita, apakah kita siap disambut dan dipiluk Allah yang pengampun dan penuh cinta? Amin.

* This piece was one of my assignments when I studied Bahasa Indonesia in Jogjakarta. This reflection was first written in English and then translated to Bahasa as one of the exercises. Thanks to Frater Ofan, CSsR for helping me in the translation.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Candi Borobudur: An Example of the Splendor of Asian Civilization

When I arrived here in Indonesia I was told that I should visit the famous Buddhist Temple near Yogyakarta. Well, I have able to manage to visit the place and see this temple.
At the foot of Candi Borobudur - from the East door.

An image that caught my attention in the whole Buddhist
architectural design -  a CROSS! 
            Indeed, the temple which is called by the Indonesians as “Candi” was superb and excellent. The temple or the Candi Borobudor was dedicated to the Lord Buddha. Candi Borobudur was built in the 8th century. To be precise, it was in 750 AD that the construction of the temple started and it was opened to the public in the year 825 AD. The temple was said to have abandoned and destroyed due to the historical changes. When the island of Java was Islamized the old buddhist tradition slowly died. Moreover, probably also because of some natural calamities particualrly of volcanic eruptions, the temple was later on destroyed and abandoned. However, in the late 18th century an English archeologist was informed by the natives regarding this temple. Truly, that English archeologist discovered this great masterpiece of human genius that was fully covered by volcanic ashes and trees and grasses. Yet, the restoration of the temple only started in the late 20th century initiated by the UNESCO and the government of Indonesia. At present the temple – Candi Borobudur is completely restored to its original form and structure.
Images of the Lord Buddha.
            Certainly, the restoration process that took so long had borne fruit that at its present structure the Candi Borobudur rose proudly. Nevertheless, I am quite disappointed by the fact that this temple ceases to be a temple. Candi Borobudur has now become a mere tourist spot where people would take pictures. Its historical value has not been that of importance to the visitors. The great images and stones carvings around the temple have been not of importance at all. It ceases to be a temple also for there is no sacredness given to the temple. People are more interested in taking pictures alone (of course including me).
            However, looking at this magnificent temple, one could realize how genius were the people at that time. Surely, there was also a spiritual inspiration that made the people to create such beautiful human creation. This is also an evidence and an example of the greatness of the Asian civilization.

Candi Borobudur at the distance.
with the fantastic Candi.
            The temple itself has plenty of images and symbols that surely suggest meanings. The four doors in the north, east, west and south point as well to the four directions of the world. The walls were filled with every stone carvings depicting realities of human life from birth to death and beyond. There were images of human beings, animals and the spirit world and of course the many statues of the Lord Buddha attaining nirvana. In addition, temple itself stood in a higher ground as if a lotus in the whole place.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

@ Wisma Sang Penebus, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The Home of the Redeemer,” this is what the words in Bahasa Indonesia mean in English. I have been here at Wisma as they would call it, for two weeks now. I stayed actually first in Jakarta for three days which gave me a kind of lifestyle in this part of the Redemptorist world. Indeed, it is quite different from my home province, Cebu. This is particularly influenced by the kind of environment the CSsR Province of Indonesia has. The country is majority Muslim and hence the approach of the mission and the pastoral needs are surely different from a Catholic country such as the Philippines.
Minggu doa pagi dengan Para Frater (Sunday Morning Prayer with the Brothers)
Anyway, I traveled to Jogjakarta which is 45 minutes away by plane from Jakarta. They said Jogja is more peaceful than Jakarta which is famous of its traffic jams. Certainly, for the past weeks of staying in Jogja, I agree that this city is more peaceful and serene. I have been to the nearest and famous Hindu temple, the Candi Prambanan. The temple was superb in its architecture and particularly the images that I saw on the walls of the temple.
At this place where I am staying, at Wisma, I am also taking my language course in Bahasa, which has become very much interesting for me. I have all the brothers and in many ways mingled and socialized with them in their activities. Even in extra-curricular activities such as eating durian, bakso (a Javanese meat balls in a noddle soup), nasi goreng or fried rice to visiting places such as Malioboro and Ambarukmo Mall and the Hindu Temple - Candi Prambanan and to some Catholic families near our community.
During the first week, it was quite difficult to adjust myself into their practices. (Although, it is not really alien to me.) They would wake up here as early as quarter to five (4:45 am) and in a cold morning would begin the mass at quarter past five (5:15). Well, that was quite early now for me. Yet, I tried to follow also their schedule here even if I am just a visitor (but still I am a Redemptorist!). And the bothers would have their breakfast right after the mass at 6 am. They go to the Fakultas Teologi Wedabakti where they are taking their philosophy and theology. Before lunch, at half past twelve (12:30 pm) the midday prayer begins and lunch afterwards. At 4 pm the brothers gather again in the chapel for the mid-afternoon prayer. After this, within the week they have different activities from cleaning the house, to study to sports. At 6:30 pm the community gathers for the supper and afterwards at 7:15 the community gathers again in the chapel for the night prayer. And the brothers continue to do their school assignments.
It was quite a surprise for me because I felt that I was in a monastery or maybe it was just a feeling coming from a much loosed structure that I used to have in Davao. Well, both ways actually work and both ways also will not work for those who would tend to be lazy and mediocre in his religious life. Both ways as well, have strengths on their own. A loosed structure particularly in prayer life would allow the person to take responsibility and be more creative. And structured prayer life would also help the person to be disciplined. Yet, both ways as well would post some difficulties. A very structured prayer life would tend not to give personal responsibility and creativity to the person. And a much loosed prayer life also could lead a person to be undisciplined and irresponsible.
A Hindu Tempe - Candi Prambanan at a closer look.
Certainly, it is a good realization that both ways are important and must be balanced as well. I see this in a religious perspective that one must have the discipline as well as responsibility and creativity. This would help the person or a religious to be flexible in a given situation for example in the mission area where there is no structure for prayer.

And this is what I realized as well that I should at least have these important components in me such as discipline, responsibility and creativity in my mission immersion. I might be overwhelmed by the work that I would forget to pray. Indeed, it is always important to remember the significance of prayer in the life of a true missioner. He/she who is being sent is entirely connected with the One who sent him/her. And I see, that this very connection is the prayer life that the person will live. Here, prayer cannot be limited to reading and meditating some books or materials. Hence, even the daily experiences with the people should be the material that is supposed to be brought to prayer. In this way, the missioner will be able to recognize who are these people he/she encountered before the Lord. It would be in this way that the missioner will be able also to see what kind of response he/she is to do in accordance with the call.

Candi Prambanan at a distance.